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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

My Busy Life

刚刚我的好姐妹--Joey 突然提醒了一件事,才发觉原来我已经好久好久没update我的blog了,原本以为只有大半年没有update,原来已经快两年了,这时才发觉时间过得真快...

从毕业到现在,时间真是过得实在是太快了,快到都有点不敢相信。之前除了做工之外,总算有点空闲可以写下blog,但近这两年,可真是忙得不得了!除了很久没研究化妆之外,连我最爱的唱歌也怠慢连... 原因是我终于找到我最爱的运动了,不如你猜猜看什么运动吧!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Superman -- Clark Kent

Today I would like to write something about my Super Idol in cartoon, he is Superman--Clark Kent.

I know Superman since 7 years old, I know him in a television cartoon, since I know him, he's not my idol yet, because I doesn't know English, so I don't know what's that mean in that cartoon, I just know he has super power, he's reponsibility is save the earth, he's friendly and his not arrogant, and one more important reason of I love him is... He's so handsome. =D Now I got few question for you~

Lately I started to watch Smallville again, suddenly I got some childish question would like to ask you guys,
1st) Have you imagine before, you are Superman and your responsibility is save the world?
2nd) Will you hope Superman can save you when you're in danger/trouble?
3rd) Have you imagine you are Lois Lane? (Clark Kent lover/wife)

My answer for this 3 question is...
1st) Yes! I hope I am Superman and I able to save this world and help people, because I think this is meaningful action. Even I'm 22nd y/o now, I'm still wish someday I can be Superman.
2nd) Sure! And I think everyone must hope Superman can save his/her when danger, either I.
3nd) Yes! If I can be his lover/wife, I'm sure it must a happiness thing~

*Please don't mind if I have any wrong word or mistake grammer*

I hope you can ENJOY this post! Good night! See you in my next post! Bye Bye!!! =)
Or you can be my follower to receive my newest update~ ^_^
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Monday, April 23, 2012

Monday Blue

Today is Monday, when I was young, on every Monday, I got a special feeling, I feel sleepy, tired and lazy, actually I really don't know how to call this special feeling, but in 3 years ago, I start work, I finally know this special feeling, call "Monday Blue"... Do you has this feel right now?

Monday, April 9, 2012

Spring Makeup of 2012

Spring mean for me is Colorful, Cheerful and Beautiful! 
So I like to use many difference color for my eyes makeup in Spring season... 
Here is some pictures of Spring Makeup.

  Colors used on my eyes: 
Pearl White on my brow bone, Light Shimmer Red, Hot Shimmer Red, Dark Brown on my eyelids.

 Shimmer Green and Sky Blue as my under eyeliner color.

 As of my cheek and lip,
I used Majolica Majorca product, it's a sweet pink color or you can choose you favorite color.
Hope you guys will like it!!! Cheer!!! 

  Please click here to like my facebook page~ Enjoy!!!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

UK Farm 之旅

(这篇帖子会比较长,希望你们能看完... 谢谢!)

虽然中途也有下车走走,但是很多年都没坐过长的车程,对我来说的确是有点辛苦呀... T.T


这里就是check in counter啦~
那天的行程太密了,check in进了房间不久就开始了我们的行程直到晚上11点多,所以没有拍到睡房的照片... 可惜可惜!

第一站: 抱小羊,喂羊吃草,放羊

由于羊的数量太多,小羊们都是自己走到喂奶机喝奶的... ( 它们是不是很可爱咧~ )


( We know each other since 7 years old )

我们都是用干草喂这些羊羊... 咩!
( 它们看起来好像好久没有东西吃了,一看到有东西吃,就马上冲过来了~ )


乘小羊回家的时候快快拍张照先... (在我后面的正是我的院长)

第二站: 参观草药园,喂鸵鸟


Orang asli利用手上竹筒里的针射中挂在树上的气球,真是厉害!!!
而我和朋友们就在Orang asli的“Banglo”拍照~

水果园里种类很多叫“百香果--Passion Fruit”的水果,听工作人员说那是UK Farm的特产,而且还很有营养,然后我还亲自进去採了些百香果回家...Wakaka!!!




没想到UK Farm也有许愿树...

参观完蔬菜和蘑菇园后,就去了UK Farm的restaurant吃buffet...
但是那里的buffet一点都不好吃 =(
 吃完了东西就在UK Farm的restaurant唱K,可是那里的sound system真是有待改善 =(
虽然sound system不好,但是和一班同事还唱得蛮开心的.
其实回到了房间后已经是很晚了,但是我们继续我们的second round,就是pillow talk啦!
Until 2am ++


UK Farm之旅之最后一站:

这个就是UK Farm的超大许愿羊!


但一支箭都不中... *真丢脸* =.=

放完孔明灯后,就来张大合照,然后就跟UK Farm说bye bye!

两天一夜的UK Farm之旅就这样圆满结束了!
而接下来最难挨的就是... 要再一次“享受”那5个小时的车程呀!!!

Bye Bye!!! See you on next post!!! Good Luck!!! <3

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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Strawberry Inspired Makeup

Good morning!!! Today I gonna show you my newest makeup -- STRAWBERRY INSPIRED MAKEUP.
This makeup I had post on my facebook page, I post again is because I would like to share to more people, hope you will like it~ ^_^

This is a soft makeup, comfortable to the day makeup.
 I used is Rosy Red, Shimmer Green on my eyelids, I used Brown color as my eyeliner is because this color will make your makeup look softer.

Doublelids to do this makeup, it will look more pretty~

This can be a SEXY MAKEUP too... LOL!!! Hope you enjoy!!! ^_^


Want to see more makeup, just be my member... Good Bye! See you on next post! <3

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First post in blog

Hello everyone! I'm Jessica, I'm new in blog and I will share some of my makeup in this blog, if you like it or you have any comment to my makeup, post comment to me~ (n_n)

If you want to know more about me, also can come to my page and have a look~ 
Click here to view my Facebook page... <3